A test for including webnative with sourcemaps

If you're using something like unpkg, you'll include a bundled and minified version of webnative. When there's an exception thrown, looking through that source code will be horrible. To solve the issue, we're using sourcemaps. Unpkg will not only serve the minified version, but also the source files of webnative under /src/index.ts for example. Thus, when you'll get an error in the console, your browser will already link you to the correct line in the readable source file, ready for you to create a bug report ;)

We've triggered an error in your console just right now! Go check the stack trace out!

If you're not using unpkg, but include the bundle yourself, make sure you're also serving webnative's typescript source relative to where you keep your bundled webnative. Concretley, this means, if you've got webnative at /somewhere/webnative/X/index.min.js, you'll need to have the typescript source files at /somewhere/webnative/src/*. And don't forget to include the sourcemaps at /somewhere/webnative/X/index.min.js.map!